FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

What is a tickler file?

A tickler file is a system to organize documents, tasks and other information in a way that they are “automatically” presented to you on the day you need them. You can use it to defer tasks, topics, messages, reminders to a future date in an easy and convenient manner. How a tickler file works is described here.

Why 43 folders?

There are 43 folders in our tickler file system to represent up to 31 daily folders for the running month and 12 monthly folders for the running year. It is a rotating system, where finished folders are moved back to the stack after completion. More details on the folders can be found here.

Is 43 the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything?

No! That’s 42. But it’s close.

How can I move an item from folder to another day or month?

Just swipe right to left on the item and press the button with the little arrow.

How is my data used?

We do not sell or or distriubute your data in any way. We use industry standard solutions to protect you data. You’re data is yours and always will be. You can read about our data policy here.

What does 43me cost?

The app is free to try for 30 days. If you like it, you can purchase a monthly or anual plan as an in-app purchase.
The price is $ 2.99 per month. If you purchase an anual plan it is reduced to $ 1.99 per month.
Depending on your location, the price can vary slightly due to exchange rate effects and local taxes.

Why is 43me not free? So many apps are.

We are a bootstrapped start-up without millionaire investors or venture capital. At the same time, we have two strong convictions:
1.We do not want to sell you data! It’s yours, not mine after all.
2. We do not want to disturb you with advertising! We want to enhance your productivity. Ads would contradict that.

Thus, we settled to offer a subscription model to earn the ressources to pay our bills and keep the app running. It’s a small contribution for everybody to make the app last. It’s less than the price for a cup of coffee.

Where is fortythree.me based?

We are a based in Sydney, Australia.

Are you hiring?

We are always looking for great people with a passion for personal productivity and the will to achieve great things.