Category Principles of Work

Principles of work are ground rules and ethics to follow in order to maintain a positive approach and become successful at work. Some of the working principles to be productive, efficient, and happy at work include modesty, responsibility, leadership abilities, creativity, effectiveness, and transparency. With the help of these qualities, working becomes relatively easier. Following these principles ensures workplace durability and endurance. We explore wich habits help you to become more successfull and how to implement them for a productive lifestyle.

Your comfort zone is your lazy zone

Are you feeling good right now? Great! But is it really? You might just have cuddled up in your comfort zone. You might have stopped to grow! Push yourself out of your comfort zone. Do things that are on the edge of your capabilities. You will enlarge your zone of comfort and increase the range of opportunities that are open to you.

Personal vision: Three weekends left to make 2021 a better year!

2020 was an extraordinary year. It was a challenge for everybody. For many, it was tragic. Some lost their confidence in being able to achieve there personal vision. A lot of people see it as a lost year: "Let's get this over and hope for a better 2021." Hope is fine. However, the world does not get better just because it is spinning. We won't change anything if we won't change ourselves. Times of crises are also An opportunity for questioning the status quo. A time to redefine our personal vision. For reorientation and for setting directions towards a brighter future.